The Fastest Way To Find Winnable Grants

Find Hidden Funding Opportunities That Align With Your Mission

Quillify helps you fund your Research and Development through grants

Experience real-time collaboration as our ethical AI helps you identify grants aligned with your project’s strengths.

Here’s how it works:

Enter Your Search

AI will find funding opportunities for you

We’ll email you a pdf with the results

Grants Found in 30 Seconds!

Trusted by 100+ grant professionals and nonprofit organizations

Quillify Helps You Search Strategically

A woman working on a tablet

Every Quillify Report Checks For...

  • Project-Grant fit
  • Funder giving histories
  • Ways you can win


…And only shows the ones likely to fund you!

Quillify Has Active Grants at Every Level

Amplifying your expertise to pinpoint the most relevant opportunities.

We Connect You To Every Government Funder and More

See For Yourself, Quillify Makes Grants Easy

Grant Discovery Report

Get a Snapshot of Grants for You
$149 $ 80 One-time
  • Up to 50 Active Grant Opportunities
  • AI Insights
  • AI-Enabled Project Refinement Ideas
  • Geography Filters
  • State, Federal, & Foundational Grants

Foundation 990 Report

Find Foundational Funders to Partner With
$349 $ 250 One-time
  • Up to 100 Foundational Funders
  • Foundation 990 Form Search
  • Estimated Grant Amount You Can Ask For

Want to See an Example?

Fill out this short form and Quillify will email you an example grant report right to your inbox.

Quillify AI-Powered Grant Search Report Sample

Get Ready to Elevate Your Funder Discovery

Quillify can augment your search strategies by quickly finding funding for any project. This will allow you to innovate faster and drive the future forward. 

Are you ready to take the next step?