How to get Business Grants leveraging SBIR/STTR Phase 0

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs provide over $3 billion annually in early-stage funding for domestic small businesses to engage in federal research and development with potential for commercialization. With 11 participating government agencies, securing this non-dilutive capital can be a game-changer for innovative for-profit businesses seeking to bring new technologies to market.

Why Phase 0 SBIR?

Clearing that first major hurdle – the Phase I proposal – can be a daunting challenge. That’s where Phase 0 assistance comes in. Phase 0 provides grant writing support, proposal critiques, market research, and other services to help small businesses strengthen their Phase I SBIR/STTR applications before submittal.

Who Can Help You Win That Cash?

There are many programs who assist with phase 0 SBIR/STTR such as OK Catalyst, the Department of Energy, and Quillify. While tremendously valuable, the former two typically take 8 weeks to complete the training. Considering that you end up with a completed phase 1 proposal, they’re worth looking into since coordinating and funding Phase 0 activities has traditionally been a time-consuming, piecemeal process. 

The Fastest Method To Grant Funding

Innovative leaders like Quillify are now using advanced AI to streamline and automate Phase 0 entirely.

With Quillify’s Phase 0 automation, small businesses just need to describe their project concept and research goals. Quillify’s AI then analyzes all open SBIR/STTR topics across agencies, identifies the best-fit opportunities, and generates a complete first draft of the project plan, budget, commercialization strategy and more – in as little as 15 minutes.

Human experts provide oversight and any additional tailoring needed. But Quillify’s AI does the heavy lifting, utilizing natural language processing to deeply understand the business’s core competencies and research vision. This accelerated Phase 0 process gets innovative projects quickly positioned for funding success.

For for-profit businesses ready to pursue non-dilutive SBIR/STTR funding, the path has never been faster or easier. Experience Phase 0 automation in real-time by purchasing a grant report from Quillify today.

Wesley Stevens CEO & Founder @ Quillify

Wesley Stevens, the CEO and Founder of Quillify, is an AI expert with over 10 years of AI and nonprofit experience. His successful track record with SBIR grants from the DoD along with his technical expertise, nonprofit volunteering, and personal understanding of the grant landscape inform his vision to revolutionize how people approach securing funding.