Research Development Tooling for Educational Institutions

Funding University Research with AI

Quillify helps underfunded professors align their research with grant opportunities and off-load 75% of the work required to apply. This helps colleges get more federal funding and help faculty remain employed.

Key Benefits for Universities with Quillify:

Our software is designed to reduce the man-hours professors need to dedicate, making funding research development and commercialization practical. 

Here’s what we can do for you:

Vetting Research Funding

Quillify’s AI understands every research niche and what that translates to in the grant world. Every new idea from faculty, PhD candidates, and research assistants can be immediately vetted for grant potential, saving researchers wasted time and effort at the forefront of innovation.

Rigorous Proposal Drafting

Quillify drafts rigorous proposals and helps ensure formatting compliance. We use Anthropic’s Claude to create your first draft while maintaining HIPPA-level security. This lets you write novel proposals in days instead of weeks, ensures safeguarded intellectual property, and keeps research out of 3rd-party AI training loops.

IP Commercialization Avenues

Don’t let IP sit on a shelf. Let Quillify find grants to fund its product commercialization. Getting IP funded first, makes it easy to license to an energetic entrepreneur. Quillify representatives can help you through this process.

A woman working on a laptop

Universities around the US are using Quillify to enhance their research capabilities and impact.

Our AI software tools offer a unique blend of efficiency, rigor, and innovation, designed to empower researchers and technology transfer. With Quillify, your institution can achieve remarkable research breakthroughs that can make it into the world of business, funded every step of the way. Empower your faculty today with Quillify.

Get Ready to Elevate Your Research Development

Quillify can transform your institution by quickly funding your research faculty and technology transfer initiatives. Are you ready to take the next step?